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How to Determine the Type of Facial Skin?

Beautiful woman with well-groomed face skin

 Do you want to know if your facial skin oily or dry? You might be on the lookout for a product suitable for your skin type, but you’re not sure whether it is normal or dry, or may be a combination of oily and dry. This piece of information comes in handy when you are following a particular regimen for skin care.

 If you are not aware of your skin type, you won’t be able to use the right products. As a result, people with oily skin may start experiencing more acne breakouts or people with dry skin may start having extremely dry patches and even serious conditions like eczema.

  So, in this post we are going to discuss how to determine the type of facial skin by following a few simple steps so that you can use this information to plan your next skin care regimen.

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     Different Skin Types.

 Before we discuss the method to determine your skin type, it is important to understand the four different categories of facial skin that exist.

The image of a girl who applies moisturizer to her face

 These include:

  1. Dry Skin.

 Dry skin is characterized by flaking and tightness, and it is often a result of poor lifestyle, improper diet and excessive smoking and drinking. Genetics also play a role in making your skin dry, but you can control the complications of having a dry skin by keeping it well hydrated and using products suitable for this particular skin type. People with dry skin are prone to allergic reactions from certain ingredients found in skin care products.

  1. Oily Skin.

 If you experience a lot of shine on your face throughout the day or suffer from acne on a regular basis, you probably have oily skin. Oily skin is more prone to acne breakouts than any other skin type.

 The most important thing to do for oily skin is to limit the number of skin care products you use especially oil-based moisturizers and cosmetics. Find a makeup base that suits oily skin and control the shine on your face.

  1. Normal Skin.

 People with normal skin do not experience any severity in either oiliness or dryness. Although they may have that characteristic shine on their face, but it’s not as prominent. However, people with normal skin may experience blemishes and uneven skin tone every now and again.

 These people need to avoid products that cause excessive dryness or trigger their system of greasiness. This type of facial skin doesn’t need much maintenance or any hard and fast skin care routine.

  1. Combination Skin.

 If your facial skin is a combination of two different skin types then you have what is known as combination skin type. Such a skin type is difficult to manage since you will be experiencing both oily and dry characteristics at the same time.

 Areas of the face where active oil glands are present often result from that characteristic shine, but other areas would have flaky and dry patches. It is usually best to stick to natural ingredients and skin care remedies if you have combination skin.

     How to Determine the Type of Facial Skin?

 Now that you have made yourself familiar with various skin types, it is time to determine what you type.

Woman caring for her body and face

 Here is a step-by-step guide to know your skin type:

     Step #1 – Prepare Your Skin for the Test.

 The first step is to wash your face and remove any makeup as well as dirt and oil to prepare it for the test. It is important not to use any harsh products during this step to avoid over-dying your skin.

     Step #2 – Dab Your Face with a Tissue.

 After waiting for about an hour, check oil on your face by dabbing it with a dry tissue paper. The most important area to check is the nose and the forehead. This region is also known as T-zone and this is where oil mostly appears when you have oily or combination skin type.

     Step #3 – Feel Your Face with Your Hand.

 With the help of your fingers, feel your skin and see if it feels softer than before or tighter and more stretched and tense. If you have oily skin, you won’t experience extreme dryness. People with sensitive skin will experience red and itchy skin after washing their face, even with a mild face wash. Those who feel their skin to be softer and more supple, they probably have normal skin.

     Step #4 – Pinch Your Skin.

 If you’re still not sure about your skin type, you can check it by pinching your skin. If you see wrinkles around the area where you apply pressure, you probably have dry or combination skin. Oily skin does not to get any wrinkles.

     Step #5 – Ask a Dermatologist.

 If you keep experiencing different signs and symptoms for almost all skin types, it’s better to check with a dermatologist regarding your skin type. This step is important because if you don’t take proper care of your skin, it may lead to serious problems like dermatitis, eczema and severe acne.

 To control excess oil on your face, it is recommended to wash your face with a facial cleanser twice a day. People with dry skin need to moisturize more often, and those with sensitive skin need to stay away from harmful chemicals and stick to natural remedies.

     The Final.

 Knowing your skin type helps to choose the right skin care products and whether you need some extra care for your skin or not. While it is difficult to keep the oil locked in, good news for people with oily skin is that aging signs do not seem to make any appearance on this type of skin.

 On the other hand, people with dry skin start experiencing aging signs like wrinkles and fine lines fairly quickly. So, if you have dry skin, it is important to start taking care of it from an early age in order to avoid complications later on.

 In this article, we have not only listed down four of the most common skin types in the world but also discussed how to determine the type of facial skin so that you can plan a useful and effective skin care routine.

   Also read the article: How to Determine the Shape of the Face?

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